Senthil Palanisamy
Sensing and understanding the outside world through sensors is a fascinating process that opens your mind to the beauty of mathematics, research, programming and engineering




Brief Overview

I am Senthil Palanisamy. I was born and brought up in India. I moved to US in August 2019 to begin my Masters in Robotics at Northwestern. My undergraduation was in electronics and then I worked for about 3 years in computer vision. Right now, I get excited about solving robotics problems involving computer vision.


  • Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication - Anna University (Graduated May 2016.)
  • Master of Science in Robotics - Northwestern University (Graduated in Dec 2020)

Experience: 5 Years

  • Geomagical labs | Applied Research Engineer (August 2021 - Present)
  • Softwear Automation | Computer Vision Engineer (Dec 2020 - Jun 2021)
  • TartanSense | Robotics Engineer - (March - July 2019)
  • Soliton Technologies | Computer Vision R&D Engineer(May 2016- Feb 2019)
For more information about this experience please see my resume (button below).

Courses taken

The courses I have taken include: Embedded Systems, Robotic Manipulation, Machine Dynamics, ML and AI for robotics

The online courses I have completed include Stanford CS231n- Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition, Stanford CS229- Machine Learning, MIT 18.06- Linear Algebra, MIT 6.041 - Probabilistic Systems Aand Applied Probability, MIT 6.006 - Introduction to Algorithms

Publications based on undergraduate work



From Jaisimha Rao, Founder/ CEO of TartanSense ( I worked in TartanSense for 4 months )

Senthil joined TartanSense at the product development stage where he displayed a set of skills that is rare amongst Robotics Engineers.

Senthil's "superpower" is his ability to cut through all the noise and make thorough decisions with clarity. This is indeed a gift for any organization that has several stakeholders with strong opinions. Senthil's performance in such a setting where his, firm but polite manner of communicating technical decisions made him shine in several crucial product development conversations.

Senthil subsequently backed up his decisions by building our data collection robot and our computer vision parameters. Once again his detail-oriented approach of calibrating the camera and working through all combinations helped us avoid any costly delays.

In short, Senthil's strong technical fundamentals combined with his brisk and cheerful demeanor in being a team leader are a set of combined skills that make him valuable to any organization.


From Sumod Mohan, Founder Autoinfer, 10+ years experience in Computer Vision ( I worked under Sumod for 2.7 years)

Senthil was part of the CVD Group at Soliton and made significant contributions in Algorithm Development, Prototype Development, and Product Development for various projects involving Computer Vision Problems such as Object Detection/Recognition, Segmentation and certain Geometric Algorithms. He stood out in his desire to understand problems at its core, to make significant deep technical contributions with their solutions and his discipline to cement his knowledge (as evidenced by the online courses he completed). I am sure he would excel at Research and/or Development in both Academia and Industry.

He is extremely open and promotes openness and that made it very easy to work with him. His enthusiasm for ultra marathons and his desire to make an impact on society also was very apparent and also energized a lot of other Solitons.


Endorsements quoted from Linkedin without modifications.
Link to Sumod's Profile.

Link to Jai'sProfile.

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